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Nourishing yourself well throughout pregnancy is obviously very important for you and your baby. I was really glad to also have a postpartum plan when it came to nutrition to make sure I would replenish my blood and postnatal essence. "When you nourish the Mother, you nourish the Child". I find this website very informative in regards to pregnancy and postpartum nutrition. It is through the Traditional Chinese Medicine lens which was my preference.
This website offers a course called "Love your Labour". Love Your Labour© is a comprehensive online Natural Labour Training Program, complete with a members-only community, that will help you avoid unwanted interventions and manifest your dream birth experience.
This website supports you in optimizing baby's position. It empowers with daily activities, body balancing techniques, and smart birth positions for a more comfortable, confident birth.
Hypnobirthing is a method used during birth that helps promote relaxation. "Your body is naturally designed to conceive, nurture and birth your baby with ease and comfort." This website offers classes via zoom or in person.
Here is a list of Podcasts hosted by Kim Anami. She is a holistic sex and relationship coach who blends the most avant-guarde information from neuro-science, ancient sexual practices to renegade wellness modalities. She interviews professionals in the fields of health, pregnancy & birth as well as spirituality. Her podcasts are filled with deep deep wisdom. They will leave you feeling in awe of the power each woman carries within herself to manifest the life she wants and deserves. Here are a few of my favourites:
In this great supportive article by Sheleana Aiyana, founder of Rising Woman, you will find information of how to best prepare your mind and body for conception, pregnancy and beyond.
Preparing the mind & body websites
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